Thursday [September] 12 [1861]

the morning is beautifull
there was a tremendous rain
last night. I was on duty
and a disagreeable night
it was. The Washington
artilery passed down this
morning, a very fine Co.
Gen. Johnston moved his head
quarters to Farfax court house

Wednesday [September] 11 [1861]

the day was cloudy
nothing of importance
occurred to day. there was
Some firing of cannon
in the direction of Alex.

Tuesday, September 10, 1861

Centerville. the weather
very pleasant. the Com
pany was very much cheered up to day. it
being pay day

Monday [September] 9 [1861]

Centerville. the weather
is pleasant to day. Mr
Bell & Grayson was to
see us yesterday
quite a firing of cannon
yesterday in the direc
tion of Alex

Perhaps the Benjamin F. Grayson who was sheriff of Page County