Saturday [Ocotber] 12 [1861]

To day was cool we
had the trouble of
moving our baggage to
day across the [?]
road. an artillery Co
arrived here to day
with Six pieces

Friday [October] 11 [1861]


this evening
there was a very hard
rain & quite a windstorm
during the night. I was
afraid the tent would
blow over

Thursday, October 10, 1861

Farfax Station

To day
I went up to Manassas
with the baggage, we
were a long time coming up owing to
the freshet having
inured the bridges

Wednesday [October] 9 [1861]

Farfax Station

the weather
pleasant nothing occurred
to day of moment

Monday, October 7^'10' 1861

there was a fight
today at Belmont
Kentucky our forces
gained another victory
Gen Pillow commanded
our forces