Friday [July] 26 [1861]

This ^ "is" a biutiful morning
cool & pleasant we were out
on battalion drill, Mr Chad
duck John Baily & others
have gone to see Capt
Youngs company to day
Capt Rappetoe came to
the camp to day he reports
W. F. Hitte very low

A John W. Bailey of Co. H. was killed in action at 1st Manasses on July 21. Could Jones be referring to a visit to the camp by his father to obtain more details about his death? There was, however, no Captain Young associated with the 33rd. A William Townsend Young of Page County was Captain of Co. K of the 10th Virginia. [Page County, Virginia Men in Gray compiled by Thomas M. Spratt.]

William Francis Hite recovered from his wound [Bob Krick], but several months later contracted typhoid fever and died November 17. His brothers John, David and Isaac also fought for the Confederacy. John, also in the 33rd Virginia, was mortally wounded at Gettysburg; David was killed in action at Winchester, September 1864, Isaac lived to be paroled at Appomattox. [Thomas M. Spratt.]

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