

Jackson's Stone Wall Brigade
A tribute to Jackson's Command

"Look, men," cried Gen. Bee -
"At yonder ranks - and see
Jackson's brigade Standing firm
Looking resolute and stern
As a Stone Wall,"

Then that brave man fell,
though he always will dwell
in our hearts -- for we know
The tribute he paid to
The Stone wall Brigade.

Those men paid for that name,
and for their dear bought fame
Long they Stood, and well
Did they fight -- and many fell
From that stone wall

Jackson -- brave man, is at their head
He and his men are the yankees dread
For they fight with the heart and hand;
And they ne'er retreat, but stand
"Like a stone wall."

And to the latest age,
Will be seen on history's page,
The honored, glorius name
Which will always live to fame,
Jackson's Stone wall brigade.

Written in ink in Jones' hand

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